Saturday, April 25, 2009

Look out internet....Here I come

So...I realize that I am really late coming into the whole blogging thing, but whatever, I am very excited about this. My roommate Pip started a blog today, and so I want the two other people who look at this blog to also look at her blog. It

I rekindled my love for my boyfriend (of three months) tonight. We bowled, then had pizza. It was very romantic. We also went to walmart with my friends, but had to leave early for unmentioned reasons (we had to poop). Before we left the parking lot, however, we found interest in other things...aka: 4 students in "Prom Attire". It was really awkward, but super funny because the couples didn't seem to mesh well. Best part was that one of the couples got into the car, but the girl hopped into the driver's seat and the smaller, more emo guy got into the passenger seat. So romantic. Hope they had a great time.